Is the process guaranteed?

While nothing in life is guaranteed, we have experienced tremendous success with clients who undergo our smoking cessation laser therapy – with 90% of clients quitting after just the first session.

Is the process painful?

You may feel a tingly sensation and a sense of relaxation, but our smoking cessation laser therapy is completely painless.

Will I experience weight gain once I quit smoking? Are there any side effects?

Every smoker’s experience with quitting is different. It is possible to experience weight gain. Your metabolism works faster as a smoker – when you quit, your metabolism slows down. This is one of the main reasons why people gain weight.

Many smokers also use cigarettes as a way to cope with stress. When smoking is no longer a viable stress-reliever, they may opt for other stress-coping mechanisms such as food.

Laser Therapy Solutions also offers an after-care maintenance program that assist clients with adjusting to life and stress without cigarette-dependence.

If weight gain is a concern for you we can add "Weight management points". We will target extra acupuncture points which will boost your metabolism and suppress your appetite.

What kind of laser is used?

We utilize a low-level laser, also known as a cold laser in our smoking cessation laser therapy sessions. Our equipment is FDA, and Health Canada approved.

How do I prepare for my session?

Before you head to your session, understand that you have made the decision to actively quit smoking as a transformative experience. You already understand the health implications associated with nicotine addiction. It’s time to get rid of your cigarettes, ash trays, and lighters from your home for good.

Why is smoking cessation laser therapy better than alternative methods to quitting smoking?

While alternatives like patches or gum aid in helping you kick your addiction, what is inevitable is withdrawal. Smoking cessation laser therapy allows you to get through symptoms and cravings associated with nicotine withdrawal more easily and quickly than other smoking cessation alternatives.

Laser Therapy Solutions also offers an after-care maintenance program that assist clients with adjusting to life without cigarette-dependence.

Is laser therapy covered under my extended health benefits?

If your healthcare plan covers naturopathic physicians, they will likely be able to cover a percentage of the cost when you submit the receipt for payment.

How long is the entire process?

From consultation to the laser therapy session itself, the entire process is roughly 1-hour long.

How many treatments do I need?

Every smoker’s experience with quitting smoking is different. For some, it may take a couple booster sessions before being able to effectively kick their nicotine addiction.

When should I take my last cigarette?

You may smoke as much as you need before your scheduled session.

Is there a cancellation fee?

We ask that you give us 24 hours notice if you need to change or cancel your appointment. Less notice will result in a $50 fee.

Are refunds available?

Refunds are not available. If you do not experience any change after the first session, request a secondary consultation with our Certified Laser Technician on how to best proceed.

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