
Quit Smoking with Smoking Cessation Laser Therapy

Take Control of Your Life Again – Kick Your Smoking Habit by Booking an Appointment Today

For some, smoking is one of the most difficult habits to quit. You know the health implications associated with smoking. Laser Therapy Solutions has developed a unique approach to helping clients like you to effectively quit your smoking habit.

  • Smoking does not discriminate, but the process of quitting will affect everyone differently. To this end, we understand the importance of assessing and accommodating our approach based on individual needs.
  • Similar to the Eastern-medicinal practice of acupuncture, we utilize low-level lasers (also known as cold lasers) to target various stress points along the face, ears, and hands to inhibit the release of endorphins while simultaneously working to eliminate nicotine cravings
  • The effects of smoking go beyond nicotine dependence; we offer after-care resources to help you address symptoms associated with habitual or routine-based smoking dependencies
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Quit Smoking with Smoking Cessation Laser Therapy

How Cigarette Smoke Harm You

How Cigarette Smoke Harm You
  • Coronary Heart Disease
  • Lung Cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Liver Cancer
  • Cataracts

It’s no secret that the effects of smoking negatively impact your health. There are more than 5,000 chemicals in cigarettes – 51 of which are known to be cancer-causing carcinogens.

Make the Choice to Quit Smoking Today

For Just $399 you can effectively kick your smoking habit. Included in this cost there are 2 back-up sessions within six months of your first session if needed.

!!! Spring Special $249 !!!

Get Started 416-887-4497

How Laser Therapy Works

01.Book an Appointment

Begin the quitting process by scheduling an appointment to meet our experienced, Certified Laser Technician.

02.Arrive at Our Office

Understand that you are taking the necessary steps to quit smoking. Come to our office prepared by wearing comfortable clothing.


We assess your individual needs and will make tailored recommendations to ensure success after the session.

04.Low-Level Laser Therapy

We target our low-level laser at stress points over the face, ears, and hands to inhibit the release of endorphins to detoxify the body and eliminate cravings. The process is relaxing, 100% harmless and painless. Cravings are diminished by activating stress points as the low level layers target these areas, the body releases endorphins naturally – eliminating that endorphin release inhibited by the nicotine when smoking a cigarette.

05.Eliminate Cravings

By administering our low-level lasers, we effectively eliminate cravings without having to undergo side symptoms associated with withdrawal. From the point in which our lasers are administered to 72 hours after, your body goes under detoxification allowing you to completely avoid withdrawal symptoms.


We insist that you follow our recommendations so you can better adapt to life without being dependent on cigarettes. We offer everything from specific protocols for pain management, nutritional support, and guidelines in order for you to adjust to your every-day after addiction.

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